Sidste dag i uge 3 – og Holly har fået en lille mave Snart ved vi mere præcis om der er små hvalpe i hendes mave! Last day of week 3 – and Holly has gotten a little belly Soon we will know for sure if there is small puppies in her… Read more »
Saturday the 14rd of November Foenix and Karina won Rally Champion class at the trial i Vamdrup with 96 of 100 points! Soooo proud of Karina and Foenix!
Cain og Holly parrede i det skønneste efterårs vejr søndag d. 1. november 2015. Hvalpe forventes omkring 3. januar 2016 Cain and Holly mated in the most beautiful autumn weather sunday the 1st November 2015. Puppies expected around 3rd January 2016
We are thrilled to announce our PLANNED LITTER 2015/2016. We believe Holly will come into season very soon, and hopefully we will have a bunch of new Kuzonga’s this winter