NCH SCH Masithela’s Irresistible Chango x LP1 LP2 UHP FP RB Hunting Choir's Issa

Born 2005.06.26

Issa with her 9 lovely puppies (one did hide on the photo). 5 days old on the photo

The 26th of June 2005 Issa gave birth to 9 puppies, 5 males and 4 females.

Date Description
2005.06.26 The Birth
2005.06.28 Single puppy pictures
2005.07.01 Photos of mother Issa, who is feeling totally fine again after the rather dramatic delivery
04.07.2005 8 days old, and being cleaned by brother
07.07.2005 10 days old
17.07.2005 3 weeks old with open eyes
17.07.2005 Eating real food
19.07.2005 J'Adore and puppies
25.07.2005 Just some photos :-)
26.07.2005 Mixed photos, some outdoor photos
27.07.2005 Finally summer again
28.07.2005 Gardenphotos
29.07.2005 The days photos
31.07.2005 5 weeks stacked photos
13.08.2005 Some mixed photos
14.08.2005 Visit from brother Asker
20.08.2005 8 weeks - mixed photos
20.08.2005 8 weeks stacked photos
21.08.2005 4 puppies on adventure NEW