Kuzonga's C Wurf - Born 26th June 2005

Photos taken the 28th June 2005

The wieghts are "about weigst". The small ones are so active it's hard to weight them.


Male nr 1 Nickname: Store dreng Weight: 600 gram



Male nr 2 Nickname: Dreng tand Weight: 510 gram



Male nr 3 Nickname: Anker/Krog Weight: 550 gram



Male nr 4 Nickname: Slips Weight: 550 gram



Male nr 5 Nickname: Trekant Weight: 570 gram




Female nr 1 Nickname: Trekroner (has only 2 crowns, but very offset) Weight: 515 gram



Female nr 2 Nickname: Cirkeline Weight: 400 gram



Female nr 3 Nickname: Storepigen Weight: 540 gram



Female nr 4 Nickname: Tand-pige Weight: 520 gram