DKLPCH SEVCH LP1 Rally-B UHP LP2 FP LP3 Rally-V Kuzonga's D'Uncas of Embo
CAC- winner in Hillerød 2009 - 3 years old |
Pedigree no. 14148/2006 Height: 68 cm Weight: 40 kg HD: A ED: 0
Ejer/Owner/Besitzer: Alexandra Claudius Nielsen
Uncas' (and Daddys) homepage:
Uncas' show results HERE |
NEW Passed obedience class 3 three times and thereby gotten Danisch Obedience Champion "DKLPCH" NEW
Passed obedience class 3 and got the title "LP3"
Passed "Færdselsprøve" and got the title "FP"
Passed obedience class 2 and got the title "LP2"
Got his endurance title (UHP) in flying style
Passed 3 hours / 400 meter bloodtracing with 1st price and best dog at the trial!
Passed rally obedience for the 3rd time on 4th May 2008 with 91 of 100 points! This giving him the title "RB"
Passed obedience class 1 on the 27th April 2008 with 165 of 180 points! This giving him the title "LP1"
Passed rally obedience for the 2nd time on 4th March 2008 with 83 of 100 points!
Passed Rally obedience for the 1st time! So far I know as the youngest RR ever :-)
The 27/1 2007 Uncas placed 1st with 34 of 35 possible points at puppy obedience by DKK in Ølstykke !!
Passed rally obedience advanced class 3 times and thereb got the title "Rally-V"
Embo, Alexandra & Uncas
Dad, Mum and Son :-)