NOCH LP1 LP2 BH Kuzonga's Cheriff






Pedigree no. 15004/2005

Height: 68 cm

Weight: 40 kg


AA: A (free)

Bite: Correct and full scissor bite

DM: N/N (free)



Mona Hansen, Norge


Cheriff's homepage:


Cheriff got Norwegian Show champion on 8th september 2007 by going BOS winning CAC and CACIB.

Passed danish and norwedian LP1 and Danish LP2.


Mentality tested, gunshot proof, see the test (in Norwegian) HERE


Cheriff has so far sired 3 litters. Never produced ridgeless or DS.



Passed "Ferdselsprøve" (Begleithund-test) and got the official title BH

18/7 2009 passed Danish obedience class LP2 with 187 of 220 points and getting 2nd of 8 in his class (all breeds)

14/6 2009 passed Danish obedience class LP1 with 164,5 of 200 points and getting 3rd of 5 in his class (all breeds)

17/2 2007 passed Norwegian obedience class LP1 with 176 of 200 possible points. 1st price and 9th out of 25 dogs (all breeds)

6/5 2006 passed the "egnethetstest" for rescue dog





Sheriff 16 month

Sheriff at show August 2006

Sheriff June 2006

Sheriff & Cike June 2006

Sheriff the showdog for a day

Sheriff Mai 2006

Sheriff tracking

Sheriff March 2006

Sheriff January 2006

Sheriff December 2005

Sheriff November 2005

Sheriff 12 weeks

Sheriff at home

Sheriff leaving




10 weeks