The 16th of November I got a email from Ambar's owners. A very special email, about a very special dog. Ambar and his owners was one to bed. Ambar was very restless and came to the bed all the time. Then at last the owner went out of bed. Ambar ran to the stairway, down the stairs, and sat there, which he had never done before. His owner followed him down the stairs, and he wanted to show her something. He went to the living room where a candle was burning! It's probably not a instance that he was so restless that night! From now on he maybe should be named Lassie or fireman Ambar :-) I'm very proud to be able to bring such a special dog to the word, of course with a little help from Issa :-) More photos of the lapdog, beach dog, television dog and fireman Amber here Thank you so much to Ambar's owner for sharing such great small stories about Ambar with me! |